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The BLKFirst-Exceptional People podcast, and radio program deals specifically with Black-Life both past and present specifically here in North America. They sought to wipe away all previous civilizations from history while trying to bring glory to their own intentional creation of deception and fabrication.
We ask you to open your mind and consider the insurmountable obstacles tide into daily survival and overachieving on a continent that we were not at all strangers to.
Historical Research has led to a greater understanding and appreciation of the role the ancestors played in nation-building across the globe on all continents. The people of the African continent journeyed to the western hemisphere thousands of years before Columbus thought of setting sail. Many centuries before while riding the waves of the Canary and God currents of West Africa flowing to both South and North America.

There were already countless numbers of people from the African continent living and building civilizations in the Western Hemisphere. The Descendants of Enslave Africans (DOEA) here in North and South America are the direct result of the Europeans conquest for global control. It was the DOEA who gave them a fast track toward their domination here in the Western Hemisphere.
The DOEA worked 364 days of the year without compensation for almost 400 years, facing constant atrocities and terror both mentally and physically. Europeans have stolen, killed, and destroyed, waging both physical and psychological warfare on the earth for economic control. By fostering a ruthless, cruel, harsh, and brutal regime. The chattel slave system here in North and South America and all its oppression has waged war until the present day.
The DOEA have been culturally, intellectually, and socially engineered on every level. WE have been purposefully and systematically placed underneath and outside of America’s economic, political, social, media, and educational institutions.
The people with the melanin, the dark, possessing the very carbon of the celestial skies which are bathed in darkness. We have endured affliction and suffering, torment and torture, disruption, and sabotage, building this country with our own hands with free labor; the longest captivity and slave system to have ever existed over a group of people in the known history of the world even naming the center of economic investment Wall Street where men women and children were treated like commodities.
Whatever the question or the answer, it begins and ends with Black-First (#B1).